By Briana Kassia
Date: 2002 Mar 29
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simple praise

I value your simplicities
the seed the leaf the life of the tree
you value my complexities
wholy one you complete me

sound pumps and slides in a rhythm a flow
a pattern I can't quite grasp
the desire to learn to have to know
stings sharp like the bite of an asp

swirling eddies wave patterns on the sand
and the fractal shadows defeat me
see the spiral shell golden mean and
holy one you replete me

yet you live simply without and within
searching only for ways to give
to love freely and know a day without sin
I speak and strive but never listen and live

I am percival on a certain quest
and I know not what I seek
in tired ears I lecture on without rest
yet I know not of what I speak

you value my eccentricities
the way the words spiral their way free
I value your nearness and necessities
holy grail you complete me