By Misti
Date: 2002 Apr 10
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Scene 25

EXT.- Poolside- Day.

Frances is lounging by a pool with a waterfall behind the two-story Mediterranean style house she shares with Vito. She's wearing a white bikini and black shades. She's writing in her red journal. Vito approaches Frances. He's wearing a black shirt and beige pants with black shoes and black shades.

Vito: What do you need a journal for? Tell me all your deep dark secrets. Pretend I'm your priest.
Frances: I'm not Catholic.
Vito: Don't I know this. I just wanted to kiss you bye. The taxi's on its way over.
Frances: How long do you think you'll be gone?
Vito: A week, maybe. Depends. I might want to mix a little pleasure with my business.
Frances: I don't know why you couldn't take me with you.
Vito: Because A. you don't have a passport and B. Peru is a dangerous place, babe. Lots of lions and tigers and bears.
Frances: There are no lions in Peru. Or bears. Tigers I'm not sure about.
Vito: You take everything so literally. Tell ya what- while I'm gone, do a book report on the animals of Peru. I'll grade ya when I get back.
Frances: Asshole.
Vito: What was that? Yeah, that's what I thought. Now give me a kiss.

Vito leans down and gives Frances a kiss.

Frances: Bye.
Vito: Don't be bitter. Be good. I'll bring you a shitload of souvenirs.
Frances: Don't forget to claim them.
Vito: Very funny. Later, babe.

Vito walks away and Frances continues writing in her journal.