By Misti
Date: 2002 Apr 30
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if i could afford to call in sick today
i would call in and say
i am sick of sadness
i am sick of crying
curled up in the chair
my body shaking
primal sobs escaping
what the fuck is wrong with me
never okay
i think of death
and how good it must be
being free from so much feeling
i cry for my brother
who is starving physically and psychologically
i cry for my mother
who is broken
i cry for my husband
who is too much good for my blood
i cry for the daughter
i see in some of the children
who say
But Teacher, How Did the Mens
Get to the Moon?
i cry for pills in a bottle
the pills i would love to wash down
with Vox
i thought the tears would finally
dry up
but they don't
if i could call in sick today
i would call in sick of sadness
and drive to a place
that has more water
than i do.