By Misti
Date: 2002 Jun 09
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So Much For Those Damn Petticoats

Mom tried to turn me into a princess
with limited money and education
she did what she thought was best...
entered me in beautiful baby contests
then beauty pageants
invested in countless petticoats
and panties with my name and bells
sewed on the back
glossy black Mary Janes
white ruffled socks
dresses fit for Snow White or Cinderella
god, I thought she was going to
kill me the day
I took off all my clothes and
went for a swim in a puddle of mud
her face contorted with rage
as she dumped me in a tub
filled with strawberry bubbles
and then out of nowhere
when I was five
I said,"motherfucker"
who knows where I heard it
all my friends were boys
but when I wasn't being primped and primed
I was being whipped/slapped/chastised
for not being a good girl

then when I was biologically ready
for sex and childbirth
I heard all the convenient myths
Don't Talk That Way Around Boys
They Won't Respect You
Don't Chase After Boys
Make Them Chase You
You Have to Smile! Talk!
Walk Like You Have a Book on Your Head!
Write Less Poems and Stories
Read Less Books
Learn Tennis
Try Out For Cheerleader
Flirt Until it Hurts
But Don't Wear That Mini-Skirt
and Black Fishnet Stockings
Put Away Those Madonna bangles
They'll Think You're a Slut

Mom tried.
In between margaritas and boyfriends
and calling Daddy in Louisiana
to tell him what a bastard he was
for not sending the child support checks
...she tried.
She did not contribute to
the faulty, sloppy, cheap, deep
woman I accidentally became.

when I came back home from a night
away with the man who finally
broke through
she told me I could not live in her house
if I was going to sleep around with
strange men
it was Sunday morning
she was angry because I wouldn't put on
a dress and a face
and accompany her to church
"I'd rather be a whore on the street
than live in this house and be judged,"
I said, seething
"You are well on your way," she said as
she walked out the door.

realizing my lack
hasn't exactly made me Grace Kelly
but I am not one
to watch MGM classics
on a Saturday night
wondering where all the ladies
and gentlemen
disappeared to
...Ingrid Bergman got pregnant
without a wedding ring
and I know no one
(no one who mattered, anyway)
ever told her
she was a whore.