By Misti
Date: 2002 Jul 08
Comment on this Work

JANE Sucks

in the latest JANE magazine
which I bought because
my ex-boyfriend compared me
to Lara Flynn Boyle
pages 134 through 137
Jeff Johnson jokingly details
"how to get laid by a priest"
with the disclaimer
"Catholics are great. Priests are great...but
child-molesting priests are the scum of the
blah fuckin' blah
yada fuckin' yada
in short, the jaded mentality
presented in the article
is that we might as well
laugh and make a mockery
of priests
in light of all the
recent controversies
but Mr. Johnson, I am
not laughing
it's so Manhattan cool
of you
and I'm just
a Texas hick
but when something sickens
my thick mind
I'm not the kind to
make a joke
outta the repulsion
I never laughed at the O.J. Simpson
jokes, either
I guess I'm not sophisticated enough
what pisses me off, Jeff
is that you
are getting paid
to write
and I am a loser
in between