By Misti
Date: 2002 Jul 14
Comment on this Work

I Want Some Power!!!

I want some power, goddammit
I want a degree in business
I want to own a donut shop
I want to drive a Jaguar
I want to hire someone to scrub my toilet
and bake my brownies
I want to fire people
I want to take a private jet
to Tibet/Rio de Janeiro/Catalina Island/Hong Kong
I want to speak fluent Japanese/Chinese/Spanish
I want to play the guitar to wow all my
rich bitch/asshole friends
I want to rock harder than Steve Tyler
I want Brad Pitt to want me
I want to wow/dazzle/astonish Oliver Stone
and Quentin Tarantino
I want to go on Jeopardy and know all
the answers
I want to spin the wheel and tell Vanna
to fetch me an F
I'm an American
I'm intelligent
I'm angry
I'm ambitious
I want some power for breakfast
then I won't think I'm missing out
on some freaky deaky LOVE.