By cryingshame58
Date: 2002 Jul 15
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Too good to be true

When we met...he was too good to be true...When he told me his life story...he was too good to be true...When he called just to say hello...he was too good to be true...When he listened to all my drama...he was too good to be true...When he sent me silly e-cards...he was too good to be true...When he told me I was his best friend... he was too good to be true...When he gave me surprise gifts...he was too good to be true...When he stole that first kiss...he was too good to be true...When he knew my work/school schedule better than myself...he was too good to be true...When he gave me encouragment...he was too good to be true...When he escaped from the world with me...he was too good to be true...When he gave me the most thoughtful gift that anyone had given me...he was too good to be true...When he brought out the best in me...he was too good to be true...When he told me he loved me...he was too good to be true...When we made love...he was too good to be true...When he took me on my dream trip...he was too good to be true...When he told me he was moving in with her and said that nothing had to change...finally it sank in... he was too good to be true...