By A former flame...
Submitted by Savannah Haze
Date: 2002 Jul 25
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How can I show you I love you?
How would I even begin?
When words just don't do it justice
When written with paper and pen
I could tell you about your beauty
How your eyes draw me in deep
And how your smile is infectious
While your voice sings me softly to sleep
I could talk about your compassion
Your kindness and wisdom and wit
And all of your artistic passion
Your love for the play and the skit
The scent of your hair in the morning
Holding you close in my arms
The expressions upon their faces
As friends bear witness to your charms
Your undivided devotion
You give to me and my dreams
Your overwhelming emotion
That keeps me content and clean
For all of these reasons I love you
And I hope you can easily see
That you are one of the greatest things
That ever happened to a bum like me

Happy Valentines Day my love.