By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Oct 07
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Ana Mia

Ana Mia
what do those words mean?
ask anyone who has any eating knowledge at all and a wierd look with transfix their eyes
why do these two small words equate to a silent hell that no one can fully imagine

what makes this path in life so attractive?
why do always fall into this trap when I think I'm finally out of the woods?
Except I find myself hurled up in a heap, with a finger down my throat
How can i explain the exhilaration that consumes me as I 'fulfill my duty'

It is so disgusting
it hurts, and it feels like someone is taking a knife to my inner organs
but yet, i fulfill my promise to the other person that shares my body
I don't want to be fat, neither does she, so we have to compromise sometimes

One day, I do what I'm supposed to, or do the ana stuff
except lately ana hasn't been in my vocabulary or on my mind
this is the main reason i thought that she was out of my life
but like a distant relative, she comes to visit when I least expect her

I thought that counting calories was out of my mind for a while
yet the scale calls my name constantly
and when I eat too much, I decide to go on a rash course of action

WHy is what I keep asking myself?
when i completely fuck up and feel that there is no hope out there, then I take drastic measure
measures which involve full out stomach upset, and all the ramifications that follow it
yet in some fucked up sense, i feel as if i'm in complete control of my whole life, if only for that brief moment in time

As I kneel down, and face the porcelain goddess, my heart is torn
I pray that this time i can make it, that this time will be my last
and i vow not to eat what I know I shouldn't
to follow the strict rules I've set forth to myself

otherwise the penalty could be steep
i will have to work out longer, eat less, and stress more
and the cottage cheese on my legs will never disappear
and i will be doomed to shop in 'big women's' section, and never find clothing or successs

but do people that torment me, or hate me know that I go through this
my drive is as sharp as a knife, i'm as competitive as they come
yet this is my weakness, this is what i long to challenge
yet it finds me

what kind of life have i lived to focus on this so fully?
i look at heavy people and wonder if they fight this battle that i fight everyday
if i reached 110 would my problems be solved
or would i only find more fat in my body that needed conquered

i want to be loved for my mind, yet praised for my body
i feel more confidence than ever before
i walk with a swing in my step, i have lost over 60 lbs
yet i remain unfulfilled

one day, i will break from these chains, maybe when it's too late
yet my body will become a temple before my very eyes
and i will realize all its beauty, strengths, and advantages
until then, I will starve and purge, hoping for that one day when I can come out in the sunshine and find happiness

when my prince will reach for me,
and to him I will come, naked, yet openly embracing my beautiful body
i have been loved completely before, and i will be loved completely again
regardless of my size, i am a worthwhile person, she just has to realize this, once she does my battle is won