By Misti
Date: 2002 Nov 04
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Catchy Kisses

one kiss and i sing
one deep, wet kiss
and i sink
no kiss and i drown
in a sea of gin
i can't ski i fall
love is all so scrawl it
on my skin with blood ink
my king- my karmic kin.

...passionate kisses
placid kisses
purposeful kisses
purple kisses
pure kisses
perfunctory kisses
puzzled kisses
pussy kisses


(tequila kisses don't count)

but champagne kisses can make a girl

coffee kisses wake me up
(go ahead and pour me another cup!)

butterfly kisses
my heart

ladybug kisses tickle
"what the hell?"
(i just made that up)

This is an iguana. His name is Gerald. Gerald
is pissed because he just got dumped by an
iguana named Larry for being a sloppy kisser.
Gerald And Catholic. So...he feels
guilty. And pissed.

This is a horned toad. People in Texas call him
a horny toad. His name is Edgar and yes, he is
in fact horny. But because Edgar is missing the
tip of his tail, no other horned toads will
screw him. He would almost be satisfied with a mere

When Barry awoke, this is what he found on the
bathroom mirror:
Call Me.

asdjklam! a;alsjfkfjds!
koko loko no like kisses!
he still baby boy!

~koko loko