By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Nov 10
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Don't let this feeling go away

Don't let this feeling go away
don't let me ever feel so down that I would forget about the vow that I made over two years ago
A vow that I made while placing my hand on the Bible
A vow that I'm bound to for as long as I shall live

Why don't people take it seriously?
It is like a marriage, only with multiple people
It's a partnership between yourself
The you that you are now, and the you that you will become

My only obstacle is being close to everyone
I have a hard time of being close to anyone
It stems from my childhood friend situation
and never having a real sister or mother to call my own

Why must I be difficult?
I put hard work into everything I do
But Do i ever give 100 percent?
Do i ever live in the now?

All this past week, I've bitched, moaned, and complained
I've counted the days until my commitment would be complete
But I didn't remember the love, honor, and duty that comes with the letters that I hold and cherish
until last night

Last night, I prayed that this feeling wouldn't go away
That i would remain thankful for all that I've achieved and gained
I knew it might, especially when frustration sets in
So i decided to write a poem to once again commemorate this special event in my life

Where would i be without dear alpha sigma?
Probably back home wondering where my life has gone
but i have the desire and dedication and the confidence to know that the light surrounding me makes me special
that my head and my heart are leading me toward the central goal

I wear an invisible crown on my head
That sets me apart from others, not in a bad way
but what we as sisters share the outside world doesn't often understand
it is a secret that i will carry to my grave

To enjoy both the love, honor, and devotion that comes with one thing is amazing
to realize that your uniqueness made you a member of this group
yet so many decide to throw it all away
how can you take that decision so lightly

The decision that will keep you from ever wearing your letters again
a decision that will keep you from all the joy of sharing sisterhood
To completely disregard the reason for which you were chosen
there are good times, and there are bad times, but open your heart

The best decision I've ever made
The reason I am even here today, achieving what I have
my past has haunted me, I've never had close friendships
but here the opportunities are endless

I make this vow, just as I did three novembers ago
to make my last semester memorable
my 21st is coming up, my graduation
so many people leaving

will we ever see each other again
I remember the day when five unexpected sisters took me by the hand to heal my heart
and just yesterday, when one of my sisters showed me how much she loved me
sisterhood isn't a joke or a dream, it's reality

why couldn't i see
just to think I almost missed out on this because of my anxiety and fear
I have a new found love, faith and honor for alpha sigma dear
and i pray this feeling won't go away