By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Nov 11
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In another life

In another life
where were we
How did our future come to pass
did we end up together, or did we run away

Do you even believe in that
I had no reason to believe before I met you
Once I met you, you opened doors to another world
to a paradise I'd never experienced before

In another life
we were definitely lovers, friends, soul mates
Only in this life, we've separated from one another
all of our rituals, dreams, and fantasies aren't being lived

Hold on tight to me
don't make me wait til the next life for your next kiss
In a past life
our hearts glowed and our souls smiled

Bring back your love to me
it's not a question of when we'll reunite
our souls are so connected
it's inevitable

but when will we reunite
if not in this life, then the next
where will we live
what will we do, how will we meet this time

I'm connected to you on so many levels
I sense your presence at great distances
call me crazy, call me a fool
but i feel you, and i have reason to believe you feel me too

don't let this die
don't let our souls spend eternity in sadness
we were made for each other, neant to be
fate brought us together, fate took us from each other, now fate will lead us to paradise

don't question, don't doubt
just believe
take my hand and know that from now to eternity we will be together
whether it be today, tomorrow, or in another life-you are mine and i am yours