By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Nov 29
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Who am i?

Who am i
when you look at me what do you see
do you see a person that doesn't even deserve the lowliest scum
am i truly that bad

i used to believe that i was a bad person
unworthy of even nourishment
but i got past that
but i never got past the need to isolate myself from others, from relationships

somehow you crumbled my wall
then you left it shattered around me
for me to rebuild
to hide myself once again

you made me so happy
now you have decided to turn from me
who am i
the one who can never keep people close to her, for fear of rejection, of pain

pain and rejection have followed me all my life
i ache with sadness every night
i honestly believed that sisterhood meant eternal friendship
how could you do this to me

you don't even know who i am
who are you to judge me
to decide that what i'm going thru is insignificant
to call me psycho

I've been thru a lot
but it doesn't really matter
because every person that has ever hurt me, had reason to
i really believe that

for every wrong thing that i've done, i've been punished
but you dont' know who i deserve and who i don't
in fact, i don't gossip about you, or tell lies
please at least be a good non friend and don't mention me

instead of tarnish my reputation with lies
to do that is like opening all my wounds all over again
wounds that will never fully be healed
my whole life i've been betrayed, scorned, and the subject of ridicule

do you know what that's like
i do have family, but even they are full of insults, at times
until i got skinny, and then sick
and made them wake up and realize that i wasn't their perfect child

that i wanted to end this blissful life on earth
every man that i've ever known has hurt me in some way
i have no real relationship with my mother
and all my relationships are in some sense dysfucional

i can never fully depend on anyone but me
i have an obsession with food
i feel dirty about the whole sex issue-cuz i've been taken advantage of
and my body is not a temple, but a disgrace

which is why i seek to hide it so far from your view
do you know what that feels like
or to love someone so much, then to let them go
if you knew, you wouldn't be doing this to me

don't judge me
don't even be jealous of me
you think i have so much
but in fact, i have so little, because i despise myself more than my worst enemy

in fact, i am my own worst enemy
every day when i look in the mirror
the battle is on
one of us must lose, and one of these days, without love and support, i may let her win

who am i?
i'm strong, i'm agile, and i'm a good person
if you actually knew me, you wouldn't dare spread rumors about me
how sad are you to try to bring me down

don't call yourself friends of mine, if you can't be as true to me as i am to you
what ever happened to 'thine own self be true'
there's only one person who truly knows me
and guess what it's not you

i am the most unselfish person when it comes to friends
maybe the reason i'm not tight with you is because i have bigger goals
and i realize the meaning of sacrifice
my whole life: if you were my friend, you would know that i would sacrifice my life for your happiness