By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Dec 01
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Portrait of me

Portrait of me
tarnished, torn, and unhappy
full of contradictions
unable to be recovered

the portrait you paint of me, is totally off
how many people share the same portrait of me
it's what one of my friends say, it's all perception
it's your perception of me, that makes you dislike me, but it's not reality

you paint me with selfishness, weakness, and suicidal tendencies
with friends who aren't true to me
you say, you know what it's like not to have true friends
yet you don't recognize the phoniness of mine

portrait of me
full of blood, full of tears, full of despair
the portrait of me, can never be repaired
if you return to me, will you hurt me as much as you have now

your reasons for drawing this portrait of me make no sense
you aren't being true to yourself or to me
you say you don't love me
but have you ever

how can you judge me so quickly
i thought you were so great
and you say you thought i was so great
now you paint me as a bitter, selfish bitch

how can you do that to me
i don't think the world revolves around me
but i am in control of myself
i need to take care of myself to get over this

to get over the greatest blow i've ever experienced
don't judge me
you don't know what i'm really like
or what i've gone through

i will never trust the people that surround me
every time i see them, i hear their thoughts of me
life is a contradiction
that i wish would just stop all together

like some cliche
the words run through my head like a marathon
only its never-ending
and i have no hope of escape

i can't even escape from this portrait of me
you say that all you need is my friendship
that this wierdness is usual
within days, i have gone from your number one supporter, to an insignificant outsider

let me say..that your portrait of me is inaccurate, flawed
you obviously don't see that i love you, i want to be with you, and that i've done so much for you
don't trust my friends
just trust your heart about me, and how much i love you
cuz the portrait of me should be full of love, not hate