By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Dec 30
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Forget what our past consisted of
forget what we had in our two year relationship
and what was lacking in our time together
instead focus on the present

I hurt you, but you also hurt me
You were immature and naive
and I was willing to take chances because I thought I loved you
I was wrong, you were not the right man for me

I had a horrible way of showing this to you
but finally the time came to end it
But you were unwilling
so we tried to be friends, I fucked up, but you allowed it

Now, you come back almost 2 years later, bitter and wanting to discuss it
It's over, forget it
Forget what you felt for me
Forget what I said to you

You can't go back
Tomorrow is a new day
and Today will soon be gone
There is no need to keep digging up past hurts

I used to wonder how I could hurt you
But after being continuously hurt by you
my answer is clear
You weren't the right man for me

The glare of your immaturity is so strong that it hurts my eyes
I don't want you back
Although, I believe you may be cold, alone, and longing for me
It will never happen

Your bitterness forms a shell over you
One that I can't reach
nor do I have such a desire
Forget our memories, and make new ones

How else can I say loneliness confused me into thinking I wanted you back
But after speaking with you
I want nothing more to do with you and our relationship then to
forget it and start my life anew...i suggest you do the same