By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Jan 13
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Drama is what brought us together
i was so young then
you were older, more experienced
i trusted you, adored you, worshipped you

your every thought, word, deed inspired me
i wanted to your actress
i wanted to make you happy
to have your approval

you took my admiration and stomped it through the ground
a 6 feet drop was nothing compared to the fall i took
the day you shattered my world
then you had the nerve to smile at me

you will never understand the complete power you had over me
i was naive enough to let you have it
but i took it back
and you decided to add more drama to my life

i hated you, part of me still does
you waltz back into my life and use me once again
as your pawn, your guinea pig, your inferior
fuck you and all that you stand for

i used to quote you
to believe in you
i thought you were an actor
you're just a tired old drama teacher selling your cheap
liquored dreams to anyone whose stupid enough to listen

you still smell like coffee, cigarettes, and beer
for a moment i was back in my naive years
yearning for your approval
you took advantage of that

i have the last laugh
you were an experiment for me that failed miserably
how does it feel to be ignored, used, then thrown away
and to experience the drama that you so easily dish out