By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Jan 13
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how dare you

How dare you
do that to me, my sister, my friend, and anyone else stupid enough to be taken advantage of by you
you are a liar, a cheat, and a scoundrel
you should never walk out of the house

you took advantage of me without a second thought
but i'm in a rut
i can't tell anyone
because no one would believe me, and i would lose the man i love

fuck you
you don't deserve a child, a bride, or even to breathe
you aren't a man
just a little boy with an overactive toy to play with

i hope you suffer like you've made others suffer
your lies are so sugary, they melt in your mouth like hot pie
you offered me a slice
and i kindly obliged

i can't look at you without wanting to kick you in the groin
to reciprocate the pain and guilt gnawing on me
as a result of you
fuck you

how dare you speak to me
or look at me with lust in your eyes
coming over to my apartment again
was a pure insult

i'm not telling your dirty secret
to protect myself and the woman you've pledged to love, not you
you aren't great..and she'll find out one day
if she becomes smart enough to realize

how dare you
your reward will come one day
you'll experience some of the pain you've caused others
when it happens..i dare you to complain about it