By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Feb 09
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Tunnel of Pain

Don't ask me how I feel
I can't tell you
don't tell me I don' t know how you feel
because maybe i don't care

don't demand that i leave my sanctuary, my safe haven
where no one can hurt me, and I don't have to put on false appearances
i appear so happy, so focused, so alive
but i'm a walking contradiction

look beyond my smile to see my eyes, my tears, my pain
everyday i return to the tunnel of pain
there is no escape
there is no rescuing me

if you could rescue me would you even try
you've had so many opportunities
but you are too selfish to realize
too self absorbed to even care

the tunnel of pain keeps me from relating to you
i feel like a bleeding heart
i see all the injustices of the world
but i'm blinded so that i can't see the good

i want out of this story line, to someplace happier, lighter
this tunnel of pain is dragging me down
i can't escape
i want someone to rescue me

all the pressures are weighing me down
all the deadlines are piling up like dead bodies in a tragedy
i keep smiling hoping the story has a happy ending
the ending doesn't include you

please leave me now
i've tried everything i know
why do you have to show your good qualities now
when i'm ready to let go

even if i could escape the tunnel of pain you can't rescue're not the prince i've dreamt of
there is another...whose always been in the background
but who has now stolen the spotlight
his love could crush this tunnel of pain forever