By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Feb 17
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Ode to a fat bitch

You're disgusting and desperate
and your appearance makes me ill
it's so hypocritical of me to criticize your weight
especially when i'm a recovering bulimic/anorexic/overeater

But, I can hold it against you that you have no willpower
he says I have no willpower, yet he talks to you-who from the looks of things has less willpower than I
You don't realize how desperate you are
and how defeated you are

to me, you resemble a munchkin, in stature, in width, and in breast size
stay away from the man i love more than anything
i've put up with all his shit in the world
and you have no leg to stand on

you are ugly
looking at you makes me want to throw up for you
i've never been jealous, but for some reason you're ugly ass angers me
are you so stupid that you don't realize that he loves me with his whole heart

the only reason he's even talking to you is because all of his other friends have left him
like i should have done
stick to men who are more your type
you are the doughboy type, not the surfer boy type

pretty people should stick with others of their kind
and oil and water don't mix...get out while you still can
i'm so much better than you, it's not even funny
grow up, put down the phone, and walk away with what dignity you can afford

this is an ode to the fat bitch who can't take a hint
don't try to spread lies on me, so that he'll walk away from me
i can guarantee you that if i gave him an or you
i have no doubts who he'd choose

and cutting my window in my car, was very mature
the simple fact is:  i'm better than you
my sorority, my appearance, my personality, my heart, and the fact that he loves me
so step off, bitch, before you get hurt...i play to win

here's another juicy tidbit...he broke his convenant with god for me
he may have kissed you, but all the while he was holding me
he can't let me go, no matter how hard he tries
his veins still bleed with love for me

he wants a whole package...not ground round
another thing:  if he wanted you so badly...then why did he call me when he thought i was upset
who is the one he comes to, talks to, cooks for
not you

i am a part of his past, present, and future
you are a fallback
quit frantically calling him, if he doesn't call you back
take it as a sign

he's sleeping on my couch, in my apartment, near me
he can't get enough of me
he goes to church with me
your an im buddy...get over it...

sorry to be so rude, so blunt
but you can't take a hint
which is why i had to write this poem to you
i don't even know why i let you waste my time...i have the're not even in the running