By CryingShame58
Date: 2003 Mar 05
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What's love got to do with it?

I slide it back on my finger...
Although the hand is worn and wrinkled...
The ring looks just the same...
Young and dumb we were...
Thinking that our love would get us through...
Yelling, screaming,  slamming doors, hang ups, drunks, issues, doctor appointments, hospital trips, surgeries, in-laws, garage sales, car accidents, one car family, con artists, fast rich schemes, snoring, moves in town, moves out of town, vacations from hell, tenants from hell, fired from work, being laid off from work, no employment, bouncing checks, no money, food stamps, hitting rock bottom, new jobs, working late, working graveyard shift, caretaking of sick parents and grandparents, funerals, babies crying, sick babies, raising toddlers, living in a home with one working bathroom...a couple of bad teachers, a couple of bad coaches, sitting out games in the rain, storms, cold, heat and competitions til midnight, fast food, peer pressures from our peers, our children's peer pressure with their peers, raising teenagers, more car accidents,  teacher conferences, counselor conferences, principal conferences, bad communication, marriage counselor meetings for two years, pressure from my mother, i go back to college, family counseling meetings, no communication, sleepless nights on the sofa, time out for me....we separate for half of a year...
but maybe we weren't so young and dumb...maybe it is that love got us through 25 years, and will get us through the next 25 years, with God's help...happy anniverary, Dar...