By aparajita
Date: 2003 Mar 13
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pretty girl

pretty girl, you are my life
and my greatest deed on earth.
you have always been my constant
and my moral compass.
God, in His wisdom and mercy,
sent you to me so that i would
always know and have love.
i am ever thankful
and in constant awe
of the person you are becoming.
despite all my oft dismal efforts
to do the right thing
you appear to be unscathed.
by and large the easy part
was when you were small;
easier to protect you,
comfort you,
guide you.
now that you are grown
i find i don't know
what i am supposed to do.
when to give advise,
when to listen,
when to let you make mistakes
to learn and grow from.
there are no doubts
for me at all
about how successful you will be;
because i know the measure
of your heart,
and it is good.
keep looking to God for strength
and for the right path.
it is by His grace
that you are such an awesome, awesome
pretty girl.