By Misti
Date: 2003 Mar 26
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Oh, How My Poor Whore Heart Aches

he brags about performing oral sex on a chick
who is on the rag and think he's clever with his rhyme
with eyes glazed from boredom I've read his schtick
his fascination with various females in their prime
I never admired his mediocre style of writing
he did not inspire anything other than basic lust
that's an easy feat when no fish are biting
and sentiments of youth's dew have hardened to rust
it was all ego and distraction and nothing deeper
can't trust a man who gives more blessings than the Pope
I never read his words and thought,"He's a keeper!"
just another semi-crush at the end of a short rope

I never pretend to be more than who I am
an unhappy woman with half a life
so I bitterly resent those who promote a sham
and stab my heart with a tacky knife

we all look for so much more outside of our heads
something or someone to make it briefly subside
we remember all the kisses and misses in haunted beds
whether we are a blissed out virgin or a jaded bride

2003 and the labels still stick
be a good girl and don't fantasize
imagine too much and you're mentally sick
and deserve all the punishment that fate can devise

I am not ashamed of who I've been or who I'll be
I can look in the mirror and sleep well each night
call me a whore a slut bad news and I'll agree
because those words no longer have any bite

if you've got a freak flag wave it high
we can't all be Stepford safe and sweetly smug
if you think you're above it you are a big fat LIE
and the world is waiting for you to shrug

shrug it off, toss in the towel
you're golden, boy, and you know it best
but in my true blue eyes you are straight up foul
even with the photo of your naked Atlas chest

you can shine it up bright but trash is trash
and you remind me of why I loathe my roots
you hail from the same Springer show, shit for cash
and you're in it up to your Army boots.