By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Apr 10
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Is this how I'm supposed to feel

I sit here calmly
and realize that my life is finally taking a positive turn
that i don't care about past failures in my life
and that i'm ready and willing to move on

i've realized how precious life can be
how someone can take away all your happiness
in the blink of an eye
with no remorse

i'm understanding the true meaning of the search for revenge
and i'm avenging all past evils
i'm standing up for myself and i'm liking it
is this how i'm supposed to feel

i bounce from one extreme to another
i find it impossible to face the morning sometimes
even harder to be alone
but i feel this biting in my soul whenever i'm noticed

i just want to disappear
to slip through the cracks
like i have done for so long
or so i thought

but people notice me
and sometimes it angers me
other times it makes me happy
and i can't help but smile

realizing that my spirit is in total turmoil
but i refuse to lie down
both figuratively and literally
never again will i be a victim

the word victim has such negative connotations for me
i've always been a victim
and been content to submit to this title
praying that someone would be my hero

that i could subscribe to the stereotypical female role
but it's too late for that now
i'm on top of the world
i've been made to see the light because i came so close to the utter abyss of darkness

is this how i'm supposed to feel
happy, then sad
smiling, then angry
needing companionship, then hating all men

my brain is in a constant tailspin
i miss my ex boyfriend
then i hate him for bailing on me
leaving me to deal with this burden on my own

to swallow this lump of reality
wedged so deep in my throat
i can scarcely speak
nor do i want to

i want to tell him that i love him, and need him now more than ever
but to do that is to admit weakness, inferiority
dependence on men
and after saturday morning i vowed to be a women for life

to no longer be swayed by the intentions of men
why should i be ashamed of sex
just because it was used against me
why should i let someone abuse my body when i do it so skillfully on my own

am i supposed to feel this way
everything's normal, fair game, expected
but somehow just when i think i've won
i'm thrown another curveball and left to ask, is this how i am supposed to feel