By CryingShame58
Date: 2003 Apr 16
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I Need That Ride


Hey...I need that ride!
Oh boy, here I am stuck out on the interstate,
I told you years ago, that this would be my fate.
No Daddy, no hubby, no friend to call,
I told you that this would be my great down fall...

Hey...I need that ride!
But you assured me that you would always be here...
"Call me, Call me,"  you will never have to fear...
"That's what friends are for, you would do it for me"
But deep in my gut, I knew you wouldn't return the deed.

Hey...I need that ride!
I attempted to contact road hazard assistance on my cell phone,
But I am in an area where the system reads ROAM.
My car, the pavement, everything around me is heating up,
Will someone stop soon in a car or a truck?

Hey...I need that ride!
That day you swore, we were talking over a cold beer,
We haven't had a decent conversation for over a year.
If I called you now, I wonder what you would say?
But deep in my gut, I know you wouldn't answer anyway.

Hey...I need that ride!