By aparajita
Date: 2003 May 07
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four leaf clovers

when i was a child playing on my own
i was very lucky to unwittingly
find four leaf clovers
without even trying
every recess end would find a stockpile
on my desk of more and more

i wonder where luck goes when it is gone?
does it hide out in dark corners
or boldly stand just out of reach
in the perimeter of the light?

how does one just lose luck?
surely it is not placed somewhere
to be forgotten...
or maybe it goes with the socks
to the netherworld only the dryer knows!

i imagine love to be like luck
somehow here then gone
leaving memories to keep
in the days ahead
of all the times that were

searching does not find either

waiting only brings awareness
of what is missing

neither can just be manufactured
out of thin air

today i have found four more lucky clovers
to add to the recent finds
of three in the last two weeks
i wonder if luck has found
the path back to me
and if perchance love is following?