By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 May 10
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Paranoid from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet
an inescapable dread looming in my aura
how come this always happens
i get too comfortable

and then all of a sudden
out of nowhere
my complete bliss is shattered
to be replaced by doubt, anxiety, and confusion

like a marathon my mind races
what did i say
what did i do
does he not like me anymore

then i overanalyze the situation until i've made myself sick
would someone really stop talking to someone so suddenly
when just yesterday
i was on his speeddial, in his thoughts, and right beside him with his arms around me

i'm just a paranoid wreck
with an upset stomach to prove it
i just want an affirmation that everything is going to be ok
so that i can calm down and rest

but there's no hope of that until he calls me
will he ever
will i ever see him again
of course i will, i'm just being paranoid and letting my worried mind get the best of me