By CryingShame58
Date: 2003 May 14
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Over My Head

I always have it together
It's been that way forever
I didn't have a clue
When it hit me for a loop!

If I lived their life,
Had to deal with their strife,
Possibly I could be misled,
Sacred grounds could be tread.

Not me, I couldn't be fooled,
Deep inside me I know who rules.
I can see who is a flake,
I wouldn't make a grave mistake.

A religious man can cause great harm,
Uses his power to have us feel warm,
Willingly gives friendship from one hand,
Preying on vulnerabilities while he can.

He can fool his family, a congregation and friends,
While winning hearts that are on the mend,
He is in no hurry and spares no expense,
He has time to call and gives the best gifts.

Swept off my feet, head in the clouds,
Thanking God for this gift I found,
Justifying everything we said and did,
While feeling like a young school kid.

Love affairs of this end in a mess,
The real holy one must confess,
The burden of guilt is too much to handle,
Admits to another and lights a candle.

Circumstances of the truth prevail,
People are hurt--going through Hell.
The religious man is witty and coy,
Seems to get away with the lives he has destroyed.

No consequence, no retribution, nothing to replace
Only a few know of his disgrace,
His scheming ways presents the perfect plan,
Reaching out for contributions with his other hand.

I have suffered many losses and survived a lifetime,
Deaths, lies, misdemeanors and high crimes,
Losing one's innocence, integrity and confidence,
Learning to forgive one's self is a life sentence.

Struggling to heal is a hard burden to bear,
The way is with God's loving care,
Everyone sins, me too, I admit,
Learning to live with your self can be the pits.

The sinners and the religious man that is high on a throne,
The self-righteous ones or those that throw stones,
We are all here for a purpose which are neither the same,
We have losses to overcome and everlasting life to gain.