By Misti
Date: 2003 Aug 12
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Oh. Dear. God.

In my endless pursuit of self-improvement, I discovered something the other day that I thought I would pass on. I cuss a lot. I get frustrated and pissed off quite often. So for every negative word I utter, I try to think of at least two positive words to say aloud. So I'll say my usual litany of "You stupid @@##!!!!" (whatever)(usually directed at truck drivers in traffic) and then I'll say,"Daisies. Rainbows. Stars. Full moon."
I am now going to make up for the negative stuff I posted a few minutes ago. I love Sublime!!! I love Pee-Wee Herman in "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" and "Pee-Wee's Playhouse"! I love Las Vegas! I love Long Island Ice Tea! I love Mark Wahlberg! I love Marlon Brando! I love plastic leis and grass skirts! I love Gilligan! I love figuring out people's planets! I love candlelit bubblebaths! I love people who read lotsa books! I love drag queens! I love Scary Kisses by Brad Gooch! I love Chinese food! With lotsa soy sauce!!!