By Misti
Date: 2003 Aug 29
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White Disc

got to the museum late in the rain
behind all the happy yuppie parents
with their bratty kids on leashes
missed the exhibit so an hour was wasted
in the gift shop ogling stuffed chimpanzees
and children's books in Spanish
and he bought a chocolate cookbook that came
with an apron
and I bought a pair of dolphin socks
and more gemstones for my bookcase altar
then we took a trip through time
beginning with the Big Bang
ending with Disney World or a tour of the Coors brewery
I forget which
and we stood in line and I was thinking about
a planet of fire and dust
ruler of Aries god of war
how appropriate how wonderful
how lucky we are
seeing a planet for free
on a Wednesday night that could have been mundane
then standing out in the mist
left by the rain as a gift to us for braving
the yammering crowd
but then peering into the lens my idiocy was clear
stark white and ridiculous like my body
all of this for a puny white disc
a moon wannabe
without the craters
is this thing pointing in the right direction?
drowning the disappointment in a weak margarita
on the rocks with plenty of salt on the rim
a bad and very loud rendition of "Tainted Love"
a pack of menthol Liggets
and later on watching my best friend
and favorite robot
awkwardly place dollar bills in cheap g-strings
while I laughed thinking
this shit is retarded
and this shit
never ends.