By Misti
Date: 2003 Oct 07
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Crawling Skin

no special discount for me?
my birthday was yesterday
and I work on the seventh floor of a
busy building on Wall Street
I work in Manhattan
I am successful
I'm sorry, no
but happy belated birthday
and I hope your wishes came true
that is not good enough
then I guess you are SOL
what is SOL?
slang for Shit Outta Luck

I, too, am SOL
I am reading Breakfast of Champions
and laughing
I am listening to a song from the late '80s
and crying

was my flesh ever glowing
was it ever snowing pure white
in my december
i don't remember the aromas
that meant i was home free
with the arms around me
not letting me fall down
from too much wine
and nights too long

this Hank Williams song always
destroys me
i have been toyed with one time
too many
i am not getting any relief
i am envious of her life bubbling
over her good looks good book good friends
good husband good kids good house
good mouth that chews up the universe
and spits it out star by lucky star

there is no bar on earth
to crawl to
for my brand of escape
no road trip long enough
not enough money for enough anonymous
broken neon motel room coffin refrigerated
afternoons telling three inch goobers
on the screen which price is right
telling three inch actresses with
five inch high hair which lover to leave
before the next commercial break

i am aching
i am bugging out
i am in the past
trying out for cheerleader
to eyes that pity and mock my
small ugly body
i am sitting alone in the vast gym
at Kelview Heights Baptist Church in
Midland, Texas
watching all the confident gorgeous
sexed up sixteen year olds flirt with Matt Hale
the lazy grinning Leo stud of the youth group
i am cooped up inside a musty bedroom in a
red brick house on Cuba Road
with chickens all over the yard
and shame all over my face
from sucking dick to "Personal Jesus"
with him giving me directions
faster, faster
me gagging
and wagging my tail
a devoted puppy dog

i am a paper doll waiting for a gusty breath
i am a shopping mall awaiting a bulldozer death
i am wilderness dying
artist scribbling
Skid Row veteran begging
to be set free
above and beyond soaring
the mess that is