By Misti
Date: 2003 Oct 07
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Dignity is An Ugly Word

i was ashamed
once upon a lifetime ago
when my half-Cherokee grandfather
held onto me
drunk and crying
saying my parents would get back together
even though they had divorced more than six
years ago and were happily remarried
to Barbara and Dave
i stared out the window at a Frito Lay truck
parked on a residential street
and i wished myself out of my body
because i was scared and sad
and didn't know what the fuck to do
i had never been clung to especially
by a big grown man
i thought to myself
this is just sad
this is pathetic
once i break free from this weird embrace
i will never look Papaw in his eyes again

then there was my Uncle Buzz
drunk on the Fourth of July
goofy as hell in a birthday hat
holding a lit Roman candle in his hand
i did not understand why he was welcome
in my family
he was a loser who never got to see
the son he lost to divorce
he was always drunk and joking
i looked at Buzz and saw a life wasted
everyone said in his younger days he
had hung out with his celebrity friends
and was swarmed by more women than he
could handle
he could have gone to law school
but he became a rodeo clown instead
and he was so good-looking in his cowboy hat
in all the old photographs
but now Buzz is overweight and living
in Seymour where there is nothing to see
but cattle and Dairy Queen and pumping jacks
and the Brazos and the occasional tornado

dignity once sounded poetic to my ears
hearing Whitney Houston sing about it
sent chills down my back
i would grab myself some dignity and
never look back to see if the shame police
were hot on my heels

but there have been too many moments of blood
and clown face
and I'm Sorry(s)and begging on dirty knees
too many Please! I'm an Orphan
episodes with bad violin music
in the background
too many drunken embraces and blabberings
of my own

never again can i judge
or look at another dignity free
human being with disdain
twisting my lips in a sneer
at each tear, each incoherent mumble

i am a jumble of shame at thirty
dirtier than Cinderella on a spring cleaning
Saturday afternoon
if i don't die soon someone will have
to kill me
and bury the toxins