By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Dec 09
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Important is what makes or breaks one in this world today
to some, materialistic things are important
to others shedding weight is the pursuit of life's happiness
to watch the numbers fall as the seasons progress

important is family
to love, guide, and support you
to hold your hand even when the going gets tough
to smile even when the tears are clouding your vision of the perfect world

you're important to me
i feel so selfish, misguided, unappreciative
to have had you in my life for as long as i can remember
but never have i told you how much i love you

how much you mean to be every time i see you
to have your admiration, your kindness, your thoughtfulness
you have become my aunt through marriage
but mean more to me than some of my blood relatives

you've seen me through my first day of kindergarten
you've been there with me through my awkward elementary years
watched me blossom in middle thru high school
and finally rode in my dream car the first day i owned it

i will never forget that day
the sun shining, the wind whipping our hair
and your wide grin
nothing could top that memory for me

today here i stand
at the brink of my ultimate reality
or would you say fantasy
with one crucial link missing

being diagnosed with cancer is so painful for the patient
but they never help you realize how many small, imaginary lines each of us in this world are linked to
i cried so hard for you, for me, and for your sons

optimistically, you conveyed your belief that everything would be okay
were you being honest
or just putting on a strong face for those around you
i loved you but never realized just how important you were to the stable world of mine

if you were to have to go away today
i would wonder what god had in his plan
to take away someone whose never fully been able to enjoy the good things in life

the person who suffered for a loved one's mistakes
but somehow never reached the promised pot of gold
i thank god for the sacrifices that you've made
or else you wouldn't be in my life

if nothing else, i hope to tell you how important you are to me, and my memories of growing up
i want to thank you for understanding me better than my mom could sometimes
and for loving me like the daughter you never had

importance is only dictated by a fleeting moment in time
when it comes down to the last tick of the clock
where will you stand
surrounded by family and friends

or holding out for an important raise
job promotion
or some other materialistic pursuit
paradoxically, it's been the thought of losing you, that made me realize just how many things truly aren't important and what really matters