By Misti Date: 2004 May 07 Comment on this Work [[2004.]] |
people have said and we've agreed that we started things off in the worst way at the worst time but then I think of when I didn't even know you and I sat in your chair at work and you looked surprised especially when I wouldn't move for you and how I didn't like you at first because you were loud and jovial and called everyone by name you almost reminded me of Joe Pesci and that wasn't good and back then I didn't have any friends to hang out with on breaks so I worked through all my breaks and you walked by me one night and asked why I never took breaks and I told you I was Japanese I never was one to tease or flirt I hurt too deeply to even try I had a minor crush on Arthur because he reminded me of Brian, in a way and I showed him that I liked him by asking him about his tattoos and Dinosaur, Jr. and bringing my Luscious Jackson and Jimi Hendrix cds to work but then you heard my mix tapes and saw my collages and I heard your out of control Woody Woodpecker laugh and saw you dancing to "Chattahootchie" in the mail room and then we started working on the show and then I said I wanted Arthur to film me and I would be naked and dousing myself with tequila and then I walked into the cafe wearing the black velvet dress and fishnets and cherry red lipstick and black liquid eyeliner and you were too bummed out to take a sip of my drink and I don't see the sleaze just the humor and the heat and the inevitable night at the Frontier when I said,"Aren't you ever going to kiss me?" like Ariel in "Footloose" married, yes, but numb and frozen from years of looking out windows and having psychotic fights in parking lots and screaming matches in a sardine tin wondering when the neighbors were going to call the cops you were who you were and absolutely and I was looking for more than a good fuck and you weren't looking for anything at all and I don't care what anyone says smug with their sermons if we ever have kids I won't be ashamed to tell them our story. |