By Misti
Date: 2004 May 16
Comment on this Work

preTTy pLeaS

i plead
puckered up
aching for pulsations
pretty please with a cherry
on top
the tingling never stops
you wade in my wet
forgetting the mundane
i rain on your parade
and you don't mind at all
you crawl into my ocean
and the motion of the tide
does not subside 'cause the moon is full and pulling
you to me
me to you
your Leo dives into my Aquarius
your Lion laps up my endless supply of Agua
these waters won't ever run dry
don't need Astro Glide for this ride
come inside and mingle
lose yourself
in our velvet YuM
want some MoRe
i implore
i adore you coMpLeTeLy
you don't complete me
I'm not a novel
but I will grovel for the next sentence
grateful to the Goddess
for all She
has lent us.