By Misti
Date: 2004 May 16
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i tell her to shut the fuck up and stay in the corner
the insecure neurotic simpering whimpering yammering
bitch inside my head
who wonders if she bores you, sometimes
because i can't always be on and shining
pretty and witty and impossibly charming
it's alarming, i guess
how many times can you fuck me
saying,"God, I love you, Misti" as you thrust
before i trust that it's true
how many times can you say,"Let me look into your eyes, Sweetie"
checking to see if they're blue or green
before i know you mean it
i fascinate you
and even when i don't
you won't let me walk away
giving up what it took us so long to find
will we last, she wonders
will a better woman come along
someone skinnier and shinier with better hair
and a better job who can have five orgasms
in one hour
will my fragility fuck things up
will i run away
my cup running over
knowing i will never find a better lover
and friend
how can this end
how can this continue
i am too happy
this is "The Simpsons" meets Rapunzel meets Buddy Holly
back again for one more show
this glow is making me get carded
i feel retarded grinning so goddamn wide
shut up bitch
and enjoy
the ride.