By Misti
Date: 2004 May 16
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SheeP EnvY

look at you
not even thirty yet
and you live in a sweet brick house
in a sleepy country town
with a husband who spoils you
with new cars and jewelry
and Colorado vacations
yes, he provides you and your two children
with a nice fat fluffy white marshmallow life
and you don't work
you shop
and decorate
and teach Sunday school
and cheat on your husband every couple of years
because you married out of high school
and sometimes get a hankering for the hedonism
you missed out on by getting knocked up at
eighteen and not making it to college
when I see you
I know you feel sorry for me
thinking I envy you
because I've gone from town to town
job to job
man to man
heartache to heartache
unlike you I have paid for my mistakes
I can't get away with my surplus of sins
and I never told you this but I think you know
intuitively with your sharp Scorpio eyes
that I have a handful of clothes
and they're mostly secondhand or clearance crap
from Wal-Mart
and I have existed on Tostitos and jalapenos
and I have survived long Friday and Saturday nights
with no cable TV and no ringing telephone
too old and used up to believe Cosmo's lies
too wise for those stupid fucking quizzes
you look at me and know that I have struggled
but I hope you also know that whatever happiness
I've found is hard-won and authentic
I was a doll once like you
and I jumped from the shelf
and found myself in a cracked mirror
that told the truth
and I divorced the ways of my youth, the pretense
the mythology so popular in Texas
that smart people who read and challenge are boring
and useless
all boys need to know is football and cars and beer
and women and how to make money to provide for
a big fat family
all girls need to know is Mary Kay and James Avery
and interior decorating 101
and keep those legs crossed until you've got that
diamond ring on your finger
then spread them wide
and let one man inside so that he will provide
you with all a girl needs to be happy, more or less
even if you cry yourself to sleep
because you can't come
and you hate this town
and you will never be a real live girl
tripping all over the world
with no strings
to make you smile and make you frown
you will never own your own expressions
but you think I envy you, bless your heart
maybe I do, a little
I envy your ignorance, your safety in numbers
your golden slumbers on your queen sized bed
the emptiness in your head
that doesn't know enough
to ask
for more.