By Misti Date: 2004 Jun 02 Comment on this Work [[2004.]] |
where the fuck are you it's 8:30 you said you'd be here at nine I don't appreciate this one goddamn bit I need a hit of your lovely love I'm thinking of you with another chick I'm thinking of how well she can suck your dick I'm thinking of you drinking and hanging out with someone who isn't me you aren't here to hold me you aren't here to rub my back I'm being attacked by the demons of doubt and you're out and I can't wait I need to get drunk I need to forget who the fuck I am recently divorced forced into poverty because you're the only man I want and I'm too stupid to get a real job look at my broken heart, motherfucker I've been robbed I won't call the cops I won't run to Texas I'll just drink a bottle of vodka and think about my exes and how too much is never enough I'll tear out my hair and throw my stuff out the window I'll leave a bitchy message on your machine put enough gasoline in my car to get me to the cantina don't need Purina for that high pro glow just a Corona or two or three and a shot of Cuervo |