By Savannah Haze
Date: 2004 Jul 01
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Music Ramble

Our lives are like music.

Very poetic.

No really... okay, how about a CD, is that less...

Passé ?



Fuck you.

Is everything music to you?

Yes, I warned you.


It's like when you're with someone new. It's like that new CD that you play over and over and then one day you stop spinning it because you heard it too much..  Or, or when you play it when you really needed silence  and it starts to eat at you.. Sometimes you put it away and never listen to it again.  Then sometimes you put it away and take it back out later after you've experienced silence.  At that point, it may not appeal to you anymore.  Then again, you may find out it was your favorite after all.

But what about the other CD?

Which one would that be?

The one that you didn't anticipate; you didn't know the release date, or, or even the name of the band.

I don't follow.

That one CD you took a chance on.  You spent 20 bucks because you liked the cover or the name of the album or the lead singer's hair and you decided what the hell. I'll take the gamble. And then you take it home, maybe even let it sit around on your stereo for a week, debating returning it.  But once you open it, oh, it's magic.  You have found the one.  The CD you can't live without, the one written just for you.  It has the saddest songs, the funkiest beats, the deepest messages, a song for each moment of your life.  And new CDs come and go, but that one stays.  A little piece of plastic becomes a lifelong friend, and... why are you looking at me?



I'm not that CD am I?

(sigh) I used to think so.  But it wasn't so much because the words or music touched me.  It was mostly because I couldn't understand the lyrics.  I was captivated by the challenge.  But I've listened to them over and over and...

And what?

I still don't understand them.

So will I be the one you shelve indefinitely?

Probably not.  But I won't be able to pull you out again until I've had a very long period of silence.  

And then?


I won't make it past the first two tracks.  

C'mon at least make it three.

Three then.


Why not four.

You had a beautiful cover and intoxicating melodies, but...

But what?

Your lyrics were ...


Cryptic.  Overwrought.  Painful.

Could I sing them again?

No, babe.  

I'll smile.  

Behind your mask.


It's alright.  I barely remember the tune now.