By Savannah Haze
Date: 2004 Jul 06
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The Scared Girl

Once there was a scared girl.  She was scared of falling in love. Then she met a boy who made her heart feel like it was going to explode into a million tiny pieces.  Suddenly, she wasn't scared anymore.  

The girl loved and loved and loved.  Then the boy told her a lie.  Suddenly, the girl was scared to trust.  The boy told her she could trust him.  But the girl was scared to trust and a bit scared to love.

The girl loved and loved.  Then the boy was angry.  He told the girl that she was too big.  Suddenly, the girl was scared of her body.  The boy told her she was being silly and he was just joking.  But the girl was scared of her body and scared to trust and a little bit more scared to love.

The girl loved.  Then the boy kissed a girl.  Suddenly, the girl was scared to kiss or even hug.  The boy told her that the other girl meant nothing. But the girl was scared to kiss and hug and of her body and to trust and a lot more scared to love.

Once there was a scared girl.  She was scared to love and be loved.  Then the boy broke her heart into a million tiny pieces just as she was scared he would do.

Time passed.

The scared girl met a new boy.  The new boy mended her broken heart with his strong hands.  Suddenly, she wasn't scared to love.

The girl loved.  The boy told her she could trust him.  The boy was honest and sincere.  He told her his dreams and darkest fears.  The girl was no longer scared to trust and less scared to love.

The girl loved and loved.  The boy told her she was beautiful.  He brushed her tangled hair and kissed her pudgy toes.  He loved every part of her.  He even loved the parts she feared were unlovable.  The girl was no longer scared of her body and even less scared to love.

The girl loved and loved and loved.  The boy kissed her lips and held her tight and kept her close beside him.  He brought her sunflowers and smiles.  The girl was no longer scared of kissing and hugging and wasn't scared to love at all.  

The girl was no longer scared of love or being loved.  She wasn't really scared of anything except losing the boy who mended her heart.

For the mark of true love is the absence of fear.