By Misti
Date: 2004 Jul 19
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It's Your Call

took two pills
they haven't kicked in
calling you again knowing I'll
get your voice mail
hello, michael
this is misti
the woman you crave
and can't get enough of
the woman you love
despite my fucked-upped-a-ness
tonight was a bad night
a lecture from Joe
he wants you to know that if you call
and he answers
he'll tell you a few things
he says he loves me as much as he loves
his kids but I don't believe him
I think he just likes throwing his weight around
and I don't have any ground
to stand on here
I am forever cursed
with fearing the worst
you don't answer
and I imagine you drunk
or with someone else
and I tell myself to be sane
a useless refrain
you're asleep
you're on the toilet
if you really love me
I don't want to spoil it with my greed
my need to reach you
whenever I want to
because I've been through hell
with other men
and I still identify with Billie Holiday
much more than any woman ever should
I've been good
I deserve a good licking
and so much more
before you I was 31 and unhappily married
and now I'm 31 and that is all the fuck I know
so I'm going to put on my kick ass boots
and love myself true
and you can do whatever it is you need to do
to get through the night and make a better
life for yourself
there's no time left
on my phone card
so it's your