By chris
Date: 2004 Oct 12
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(in rhode island)

the night runs deep
and trees reach over the road
that we follow back
to the beach
after dinner at the haunted
(they say)
colonial tavern
where you sit outside
wrapped in a blanket but
still cold
tomorrow i'll be 32
next week we'll be six months
even though
time barely exists here
washed smooth and buried
in sand
like the stones
we gathered earlier
to bring back to our desert
along with all the things
we find
or that find us
there's no rush
i tell you
not entirely believing
my own words
as the lighthouse stands
and strong down
the coast
warning always
for rocks
pointing the way
finally there's nothing to say
and i look at you
looking out
at this ocean
made white with wind
and gulls circling
even in the dark
for food stirred up
in the surf
for what it's worth
i believe i've never seen
beauty like yours
either lit by a burning sun or
in all my best dreams