By Misti
Date: 2004 Dec 10
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if I were the Grinch
with special magical powers
this is what I would give the world:
for the American consumer who has everything, a few extra brain cells, some compassion, some depth, some pain, some sacrifice and physical flaws that cannot be corrected with plastic surgery...all with the intent of building character, of course
for the American idiot who thinks every pregnancy is God's will and abortion is never a choice, not even in the case of incest or teenage pregnancy or rape...a hot poker shoved up their tight ass
for the American witch hunter who suspects people who wear black and listen to heavy metal and light candles and don't conform are satanists and deserve persecution, a million hours of community service and roaches in their communion
for American proponents of censorship/banned books
a big fat dose of schizophrenia, with Henry Miller whispering dirty words in their ears until they can't function in society
for American fans of Rush Limbaugh, radios that only tune into "Democracy Now" full-blast
for everyone else...whatever the hell they want...Tinker Toys....Lincoln health pedicures...complimentary Flaming Dr. Peppers....microwaves....Oneida flatware....the collected works of Stephen King....wigs for all occasions....unlimited Internet access....all of Bob Dylan's cds....all of Charles Bukowski's books of poetry....and gallons of Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch.