By Misti
Date: 2005 Mar 04
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A Different March

last March we were on fire
everything was paper
all the world ablaze
we danced through the flames
we were found
we were known
we were visible
we were stars

this March we are humbled
we are scarred
and sitting on ice
we are in the penalty box
the kissing cam
won't catch us
the world loves cute healthy voracious couples
eating good fortune and each other
gobble gobble gobble
happy thanksgiving
happy fat Tuesday
happy everything
cheesy cheesy yum yum yum

we have a feast of memories
and everyday crumbs
to tide us over
last night we ate better than usual
sharing chicken tacos at El Bandido's
after selling six of my chapbooks at the
poetry reading we almost missed
because of the bleak talk
about the steel they will place
inside your skin
and your son and his ignorance
to the hell you endured with his mother
and your father and his apathy
and yuppie Republican arrogance
and the possibility of hitting him up
for a loan
and our wedding and Las Vegas on hold
and the job I could have had proofreading
the classified ads for the newspaper
but goddamn it I'm loyal
and I love the kids in my class
but goddamn it I'm tired of twiddling my thumbs
in the desert every fucking time
my ship comes in
and this and that
and we drove anyway
we drove through the rain
and I cursed the traffic
and blamed it all on this city
and we didn't listen to my latest mix tape
on the way
and I didn't think we'd make it
but we did
another nervous breakdown put on hold

we will survive this
like all the rest
we will dance again
we will burn again
meanwhile we take the tacos
where we can
find them.