By Misti
Date: 2005 May 22
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The Return of Marie Crenshaw

as a buck-toothed kid in Wichita Falls, Texas
I had nightmares often
of Jesus showing up suddenly in the clouds
with angels blowing the hell outta their trumpets
and all the undead crawling out of the
scorpion infested
Bottomless Pit
I asked Jesus into my heart five or six times
and got baptized just as many times
just to be on the safe side
I endured enough sunburns at Lake Kemp
and Possum Kingdom to know that
eternal hellfire
wasn't for me
now the nightmares are gone
my greatest fear is eternal poverty
never seeing Spain or Ireland or Brazil
never owning a telescope and grill for the backyard
never having a baby I can clothe and feed
never celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary
with my husband
being downtrodden and anonymous until the day
I die
so no
I don't think I'll ever see Jesus on a cloud
but I would love to see my maternal great-grandmother
dead since April of 1996
in her beautiful rainbow spirit form
floating down to the Earth that did her no favors
floating down with an agenda
throwing tomatoes from her long gone vegetable garden
at the clueless the idiotic the morally retarded
the masochists the women who let the men run
their lives into the ground
I'll never pay a hundred bucks to see Bob Dylan
in concert
but I'd pay a thousand dollars to see that
the wrath of Marie Crenshaw
coming down
sparing not a single soul
no, not even mine.