By Misti
Date: 2005 May 23
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Our Wedding

today I found out what I already knew
on some level
my mom did not attend our wedding
because she didn't want to
not because she couldn't afford
the plane ticket

the video is sad
your friends, your family
I almost felt superfluous
but I was a pretty bride
in the crotchet dress my mom bought me
from Victoria's Secret
and the room at the Embassy Suites
was a nice escape
and the chocolate covered strawberries and champagne
my mom had delivered to the room
were a classy if cliched touch

at Fiesta's I sat on a stool as you serenaded
me with "When a Man Loves a Woman"
I blinked back the tears so as not to ruin
the makeup
your father
the rich white man
who enjoys ballooning and wine festivals
sat a foot away
definitely superfluous
and clueless as a crawfish in a race

you are more hurt than I am
I tell you not to take it personally
it's been many a merry psycho drama
with this woman
my mother
for all her goodness and warmth
and hospitality and angelic intentions
the woman is a mess
and as much to blame for my years of therapy
as the first two men
she chose to marry

my mom has a ranch
and horses
jewelry and a house
filled with good food
and dolls
and books about Jesus
my mom has a husband who has broken her heart
more than a few times
and a stressful job
and Lupus
and two daughters
the eldest one
an alien she will never be able to fathom
why don't my poems rhyme or say pretty things
or have tidy solutions?
why would I marry a man I met on the internet?
why would I divorce a man who did not cheat on me
or beat me or abuse me in any way?
why would I leave the man I left my husband for
only to return to him in two months
with one paycheck and no job?
why would I marry a man with no money and two
bad hips?
why did I dance topless in college
why did I have all those masochistic flings
why did I listen to Billie Holiday in the dark
and drink that bottle of wine and quart of vodka
and break an angel in the bathroom
and bloody my wrists
why why why
oh why
why would I want to die when I am so pretty
and so skinny
why am I so stupid
I've read so many books

you know my mom has her God
you know my mom has her reasons
you know my mom voted for Bush
and will never listen to Amy Goodman
or read Gore Vidal or Hunter S. Thompson
or subscribe to Bitch or Bust
my mom has no desire to see the Met
or ride a subway
she has never hitchhiked across America
she has never shot an M16
she has never comethisclose to getting
thrown in prison
she has never howled drunk and alone in a closet
she has never lived for weeks at a time
in cheap motels
she has never lived for months at a time
on macaroni and cheese
she has never put her guts and spirit into writing
and sent it out and been rejected
she has never found solace in Ntozake Shange
or Charles Bukowski
or Sandra Cisneros
or Bob Dylan
she has never wondered if maybe she is a
lesbian, after all
she has never gone crazy after giving away
her own flesh and blood
she has never talked back to her parents
she has never begged strangers for money
she has never lost all her friends at once
and questioned her worth

my mom gave birth to me 32 years ago
we are still strangers
we still say I Love You after every phone call
I always say it first
and that is why you should not
take it personally
that my mom did not attend our wedding
and that is why
we should never move to Texas
well, that
and the tornadoes...