By hollywoodfox
Date: 2005 Jun 25
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Untitled iTune Playlist

The stale air in my throat is caught
As I hold my breath, waiting for
Your next move.
My pounding heartbeat seems to be
A continuous drumroll, with no coherent rhythm and
too much anticipation.
Hours go by unnoticed as we
Pour through the very music that makes our
souls dance.
One song, two songs,
Then 274. We can't stop now, things are just
getting good.
Have you put this one on yet? No? Okay, I'll get it.
You tell me I'll love this one.
I impetuously ask you why? Do you think you know me?
Your eyes sparkle as you give me that look.
(You know which one.)  
By and by, we run out of choices, and sit back to
Listen to our conglomerate of tunes.
But by then, the moment is over.
We have grown-up things to do now. A car to fix.
A birthday to shop for.
A friendship to preserve exactly as it is.
I smile when you share things with me.
I like to feel included in your life.
Let's never go away.