By Savannah Haze
Date: 2005 Aug 21
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Just We

As I rinse the soap from between my legs, I think that I might have some quality time for myself once my shower is over.  I think you're still sleeping, so I'll have to be quiet.   As I turn the faucet and reach for my towel, I consider waiting since tonight we'll probably make love. I begin to wipe the beads of water from my body, a debate brewing between my brain and my body.  Wait?  Don't wait?  Hope for both?  I lean over to wrap my hair in the towel, my breasts dangling in my face.  Touch me, they say.  Don't you love us?

I sling my head back as I tuck in the end of the towel.  I put on my robe but leave it untied.  

I open the door into the bedroom and there you are.  

Not there you are napping.  Not even there you are sitting on the bed or standing in the closet.  There you are in the doorway.  It startles me, but only for a second because before I can gasp your tongue is in my mouth and your hands are under my robe.  I'm too taken aback to kiss back.  It's not until I'm pinned against the mattress that I completely grasp what's going on.  You, the one who laughed the day I hid behind the door, naked, and attacked you when you came home from work.  The one who might as well put sex on the day planner.  For once, you have taken me by complete surprise.  

Your skin feels cool against mine, still hot from the shower.  You taste like orange juice and smell like sleep.  My tongue finally finds yours just as you pull away, sliding down my body.  Kisses trickle down my belly, between my legs.   For a second, I try to remember when I shaved last.  I think about the towel wrapped around my head.  I wonder if the dog's in the room.  And the blinds are open!  It's so bright in here!  You can see every imperfection, each flaw, each dimple, each scar.

But as your tongue finds its groove, I don't care about any of that.  Self-consciousness alludes me as my body relaxes and my hands find your face.  

You make me feel so sexy and so wanted and so young.  And I finally understand that you really don't care if there's stubble on my legs or if my belly's a little wobbly or if my hair is done right or even if I have bad breath.  

You just want to see me.  

Sunlight illuminates our bedroom as you illuminate my body.  And for the first time in a long time, it is just we.