By Savannah Haze
Date: 2005 Sep 14
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Keep enemies closer

I've had too much wine and too much time
to sit and think and obsess and mull over 

the way she looked at you

the way she laughed at your jokes

the way she scolded me in a way only women understand 

because I questioned you.

So now the wine is talking
(in vino veritas)
and even through the haze I can see you looking at me


thinking that I don't trust you when it is she

whom I do not trust.

I warn you to be wary of her 

not for your sake or mine

but for hers.

I do not fear that you your answer would be anything but no
should she be so foolish as to pursue you.  

But I fear for her because years have passed since I unleashed my wrath

and I forsook all others for you.