By Misti
Date: 2005 Oct 02
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The Animals Are Out And You Don't Have Nothin' But A Dress On

she's still crouched down deep inside you
the Snoopy diary girl
who chewed Wrigley's and after all
the sugar was gone put the wad inside
her Emmett Kelly ventriloquist puppet's mouth
he was her husband
they lived inside her mom's walk-in closet
she kissed him and whispered all the loveliness
in her heart inside his plastic ear
none of that could change his painted downturned mouth
into a smile

she loved "Annie"
she loved "Silver Spoons"
she loved Barbie dolls and fairy tales
she knew when she turned sixteen
the magic would begin
and there would be parties and princes to choose from
and no more tears

a lifetime of ravage later she's still crouched
down deep inside you
and you are cursing and hating and bitching
so loud
you are the only one who knows
she's there