By Misti
Date: 2005 Oct 06
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Friend From Way Back

i saw you on your motorcycle
today as i paused
at the stop sign
by the Dairy Queen
i was driving to my
grandparents' house
i was the girl with
wild dark hair & sunglasses
in the champagne Corolla
you must have noticed me
maybe you were thrown
by the canary yellow New Mexico license plates
but it was me
sure enough
the girl who chased after you
all throughout the Nineties
your old phone marathon buddy
and one night lover
from way back when
you were like i remembered you
your face gave nothing away
you were alone
i never have seen
a woman riding behind you
but i rode behind you once
one night in October in 1990
i held on tight and inhaled
your cologne and imagined
us getting married after graduation
living the simple harried blue collar life
with four kids
and fireworks every year at the lake
that was all i ever wanted
i saw you today
six years between us
with no communication
you didn't wave
and neither
did i